The Asheville Dance Classic has been a staple event of the South East for seven incredible years. We pride ourselves on running a fun and friendly event, with educational workshops, exceptional dancing, and inspiring professional performances for dancers of all levels and interests.
In 2024, we are excited to expand our event to include an even larger dance camp, with more workshops than ever. Friday night will include Solo performances, our impressive Country Western events, and a 1950s
Havana themed Nightclub competition!
All four Ballroom styles will be danced on Saturday, followed by an evening of social dancing, awards, and professional shows. Join us this September for Asheville Dance Classic: HAVANA NIGHTS!

10AM: Registration Opens
11AM: ADC Dance Camp
(Workshop schedule posted soon)
5-6PM - Open Practice Floor
6PM - Solo Performances
Country Western Events
Nightclub Single & Multi Dances
Hors D'oeuvres, Cash Bar,
Social Dancing
8AM - Ballroom Opens
9AM - Start of Competition
International Ballroom
American Smooth
1PM - Lunch
International Latin
American Rhythm
5PM - End of Competition
7PM - Ballroom Opens for Evening
Gourmet Dinner & Social Dancing
8PM - Awards Presentations
Professional Shows
Social Dancing & Cash Bar